Time for Dreamers

The shop has been a buzz with fly tying classes and people grabbing supplies.  Sitting in the shop watching snow falling the mind wanders to standing in a flowing stream with a big steel-head on the end of your line.  In the North Country the only option for fly fishing open water is on the shores of Lake Superior.  Many of us anglers have resorted to ice fishing to satisfy the “fishing obsession”.  Pulling a large rainbow through the ice on the big lake makes the heart race; but comments of “what if this had been on a fly rod”, are always present.  A road trip to the Southeast Driftless area is always a good option if one has the time.  The temperatures tend to be warmer and the fish are hungry.   Now is the time for dreamers in the Northland or a trip to warmer places.  For now tying beautiful flies and consuming the latest fly fishing film/book will have to do.  Photo Credit: Hansi Johnson @hansski43